Article archive
Applications of Classroom Clickers in Diverse Learning Environments
11/12/2011 11:09
Recently, Classroom Clickers have started gaining a lot of traction in market to make classrooms engaging and interactive. Comprising of multiple student pads, an instructor pad, and a wireless receiver, smart audience response system (ARS) leverages instructors to gauge and monitor student...
Digital Learning with Interactive Whiteboards
09/15/2011 11:08
Digital Learning is among one of the fastest growing technologies around the globe. Be it online or on Desktop, Digital learning makes comprehension faster and lets students or trainees to learn and acquire knowledge at a time of their convenience. Converging multimedia capabilities with cutting...
5 Reasons why you should get a Panaboard
08/05/2011 11:48
Panaboard is the backbone of the electronic whiteboard technology. Designed for use in the classroom, Panaboard are designed for teachers to introduce a completely new form of interactivity in the classroom. Interactive whiteboards this subject in a fun and more attractive to make the lessons more...
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